
Showing 1-4 of 4
Journal Article
Emenike, E., S. Lawoko, and K. Dalal. "Intimate partner violence and reproductive health of women in Kenya." International nursing review 55, no. 1 (2008): 97-102.
Journal Article
Iloeje, AF, and AI Emenike. "Assessment of spatial variation of environmental and socio-economic impact of crude oil spill in the Niger delta, Nigeria." Asian journal of science and technology 6, no. 11 (2015): 1945-1954.
Journal Article
Jacob, Adegbola Adetayo, and Awagu Emenike Fidelis. "Assessing the Postharvest Needs of Kauran Mata Community, Kano State, Nigeria." Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Review 2, no. 2 (2012): 27-29.
Journal Article
Ogbuabor, Jonathan Emenike, Victor A Malaolu, and Tuluma Iorwuese Elias. "Small scale enterprises, poverty alleviation and job creation in Nigeria: Lessons from burnt bricklayers in Benue State." Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 18 (2013): 120-134.
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